This vehicle was recently purchased used in the exterior was in quite poor condition upon picking it up from the dealership. We decided on a multi-step correction prior to being protected by one of our premium nano coatings keeping this Inferno Red Jeep sharp for years to come.
Before Photos

Before photo prior to being washed and prepped.

Before photo prior to being washed and prepped.

Before photo prior to being washed and prepped.

The exterior received a strong pre-soak prior to being washed and decon'd.

A nice clean surface to begin with.

Now with a nice clean surface the flaws are quite easy to see.
Paint Correction Process

The vehicle was pulled in the garage and placed under our correction lights. Many of the panels looked exactly like the one shown above from years of improper care for this beautiful color.

Here is a 50/50 showing how the paint should looked as compared to what it did look like when received from the dealership.
After Photos
Quick walk around video of the vehicle prior to delivery.

And the finished product like a Ruby glowing in the sun.

The finished product.