This was a premium interior service gift cert. that was purchased for the owner by his son for christmas a few years ago. The owner misplaced the gift cert. and found it a month or so ago and called to see if I would still honor the certificate. As you can see in the before pictures, the interior had quite a bit of dirt and debris in it however very few stains.
Before Photos
A before photo of the back seat and floor area from the passenger side.
A closer view of the dirt built up along the door trim.
Dust and ashes built up on the dash board.
More ashes on the passenger front seat.
Another before of the driver side beside the driver seat.
Dust on the steering column and cluster.
Finished Photos
Finished interior.
The rear floor after being cleaned.
Finished interior.
Finished interior.
Finished interior.
Finished interior.
Finished interior.