This vehicle was done as a surprise for the owners wife while they were out of town. He had just purchased a new truck and this was going to be given to his wife for her to use. It was in need of a very thorough cleaning prior to being used by her. The paint was in very poor condition and the trim was faded. The interior was also in need of a very good cleaning.
Before Photos

Not many before pictures on this one as I was starting the wash/decon process when it was starting to get dark

Getting all the wash supplies set up to start.

Before photo of the driver side front.

Before of the passenger side.

Before of the rear tailgate.
Wash Process

Till I cleaning the wheels and tires it was dark when I started the foam pre-soak. This was followed by a 2 bucket method wash, chemical decon and wash with Nanoskin mit.
Correction Process

50/50 on the hood after my test spot, you can actually see the metallic in the paint now.

The metallics of this beautiul color were being hidden by the heavy swirling and buffer tails.

This is a good picture showing just how much of a difference the process made. the paint looks a totally different color.

Driver side rear tail light also was heavily swirled.

Same tail light after being polished.

Driver side rear quarter before correction.

Driver side rear quarter after being corrected.

Driver side rear door before correction.

Driver side rear door after being corrected.

Driver side front fender before correction.

Driver side front fender after being corrected.

Restoring the trim on the rear bumper. The trim on the front bumper received the same treatment.

The car after being wiped down with Eraser to prep the surface for the installation of the paint coating.
Final Product

This looked like a totally different vehicle when it was finished.

Nice deep glossy blue metallic paint.

Before Photos of Interior

Driver seat area before being cleaned

Floor of the rear seat area on the driver side.

Floor of the rear seat area on the passenger side.

Same area after removing the clutter.

Shifter being being cleaned.

Close up view of the cluster that had quite a bit of dust built up on it.

Before picture showing all the dust built up on the dash.

The radio was also quite dirty.
Final Interior Photos

After photo of the driver side of the front.

After showing the floor on the passenger side rear floor.

After photo of the passenger side front floor.

After photo of the center console.

After photo of the dash from the passenger seat.