Additional Exterior
Detailing Services
Engine Compartment Detailing, Premium Wheel Detailing and Coatings, Trim Coatings or even Headlight restorations are great additions to any of my exterior packages. No matter how nice the rest of your car is dull headlights, contaminated wheels, or a dirty engine compartment will take away from the looks of a freshly detailed car. I will also entertain any custom request you may have, so if you do not a specific service that you are looking for, please do not hesitate to ask!

Engine Compartment Detail
All exposed engine components (filters, alternators, etc.) are protected from moisture if needed.
Underside of hood is washed and dried
Engine bay is cleaned with appropriate cleaners and degreasers (if necessary)
Engine bay is carefully rinsed and dried to ensure your engine components are kept safe and are not damaged.
Painted areas will be protected with a sealant or wax to enhance their beauty and make routine cleaning much easier
Polished metal pieces will be polished to a like new finish
Prices Starting @ $75

Premium Wheels Off Service
Wheels faces and inner barrels are thoroughly cleaned
Tar and other bonded contaminates are removed from the wheel using proper products and tools
Wheel faces and inner barrels are coated with a Premium Coating to protect the surface from dirt and grime, making the wheel easier to maintain
Wheel wells are thoroughly scrubbed and dressed
Brake Calipers are cleaned using a mild all-purpose cleaner and various brushes
Painted calipers are sealed to help protect them from harmful dirt and brake dust buildup
Suspension components are cleaned
Wheels are re-installed on the vehicle and torqued to proper specifications as indicated by the manufacturer
Cars: $400 Trucks: $500

Trim Coating/Restoration
DLUX Long Life Trim Coat was engineered specifically for coating plastics as well as rubber. This coating is the pinnacle of Exterior Plastic protection and restores the dark color of your faded trim without leaving any slick greasy feel. For severely neglected trim Solution Finish will be used to restore the piece to a like new condition. This is the product that set the standard for trim restoration. If you want that freshly dressed look for you trim that lasts months not days this is service is for you.
Prices Starting @ $75

Headlight Restoration
Headlights will be thoroughly cleaned before accessing the condition of the lens. The paint on the areas surrounding the lights is taped off prior to starting the various compounding and polishing steps to restore the lens. Once corrected the lenses will be protected with a long term plastic coating.